What is self-regulation?

Emotional Intelligence

By Nicole Tutaj MA, OTR/L Self-regulation is one’s ability to manage their behaviors, emotions, attention and adjust depending on the circumstances in the environment. It is the ability to calm down when upset, handle frustration without aggressive behaviors or outbursts, and to be flexible to change.  Self-regulation is a foundational skill, once a child learns […]

Sensory Diets

Sensory diets

Does your child having a difficult time focusing? Are they always on the go? Climbing furniture, seeking touch, crashing into objects, placing inedible items in their mouth? Maybe they are a picky eater, or they do not like getting their hands messy. Are they excessively bothered by certain textures and do not like wearing socks? […]

Two Languages? I’m Worried it will Confuse my Child… 

By Rouzan Dishoian MS, CF SLP One of the most common questions SLPs get from parents is “Does speaking two languages confuse my child?” We largely see this misconception in multilingual families that speaking more than one language is causing language delay in their child. However, there is no evidence to support this idea. Contrastingly, […]

4 Ways to Boost Your Child’s Development this Summer

By Nicole Tutaj, MA, OTR/L With summer approaching and kids spending more time at home, it is the perfect opportunity to engage in numerous bonding activities while also helping your child boost their development! Simple every day activities offer some of the best opportunities to help them grow and learn new skills.  1) Give them […]

Strategies for Offering New Foods

Strategies for Offering New Foods

By Karnie Babikian, Nutrition Educator Offering new foods consistently is critical in expanding a child’s diet to include foods from all important food groups. A diet that consists of foods from all food groups is one that is balanced– it contains all essential nutrients for children to grow and develop properly. Exposing children to different […]

Managing Screen Time

Managing Screen Time

Nicole Tutaj, MA, OTR/L Managing screen time in this digital age is something many of us struggle with. What’s the right amount of screen time my child should have? What should they be watching? Is it so bad? These are just a few of the questions many occupational therapists receive from parents who are in […]

Say What You Want Them to Say!

Occupational Therapy Parent Coaching

Rouzan Dishoian MS, CF SLP Does your child repeat long phrases after you but will not use words to communicate? This is called Echolalia.  By definition, echolalia is the repetition of words, phrases, or sentences previously heard with the same exact intonation pattern. Echolalia has two types: immediate echolalia, when the child repeats the word […]

Parent Coaching

Occupational Therapy Parent Coaching

By Ani Oganesyan OTR/L How can you make the most out of your occupational therapy sessions? Simple, get involved in sessions! Parent involvement leads to even greater progress. Therapists can work with the parent and/or caregiver by using the parent coaching model. Occupational therapists are trained in using evidence-based therapeutic techniques, and providing interventions that […]

Autism and play: Why play skills are important and should be reinforced at home

By: Christine Hemelians, MS, OTR/L Play is an important part of a child’s development. However, in children presenting developmental delays or diagnosed with autism, play can be very limited. In fact, play in children on the spectrum can look very different than their neurotypical peers. In autistic children, play may be repetitive, like lining up […]

Helping Children Establish a Healthy Relationship with Food

Helping Children Establish a Healthy Relationship with Food

By Karnie Babikian, Nutrition Educator Many significant dietary changes occur in the first years of life as children transition from milk/formula to soft solids and eventually to a diet including various foods and beverages. In this period, children learn how to eat and explore what food really is- both of which play a significant role […]