Music and Speech Therapy

By Pranali Shah MS, CF-SLP Music can be an extremely beneficial treatment for speech therapy. Music activates all areas of the brain simultaneously. For children, music can promote language development, improve speech production, improve memory and spatial-temporal learning. According to the American Music Therapy Association: “Music therapy is an evidence-based, allied health profession that uses […]

What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)?

By: Madison Gwizdalski MS, CCC-SLP  May is Apraxia Awareness Month and we would like to use it to bring awareness of childhood apraxia of speech to families, including what resources there are if your child gets this diagnosis! Here are some common questions and misconceptions that hear regarding Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS): What is […]

Understanding Your Child’s Language Development Journey

By: Rena Mkhitaryan, MS CCC-SLP Language development is an integral and natural aspect of your child’s growth. Just as each child has a unique personality, their path to language mastery may also vary. Some children adopt a Gestalt Language Processing (GLP) approach, where they absorb and use language in large, meaningful chunks. Others may demonstrate […]

What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)?

By Rouzan Dishoian, MS, CCC-SLP Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction. For some individuals, articulating their thoughts verbally may pose a challenge. This is where Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) comes into play, offering a lifeline to those facing communication challenges. What does AAC stand for? Augmentative and Alternative Communication AAC encompasses all […]

The Power of Imitation: How It Boosts Speech and Language Skills in Children

By Pranali Shah MS, CF SLP Imitation is a remarkable ability that plays a significant role in a child’s development. From their earliest days, children are natural mimics, imitating the sounds, gestures, and expressions of the people around them. This innate tendency to imitate is more than just cute behavior; it’s a crucial building block […]

What is Hyperlexia? 

By Pranali Shah MS, CF SLP Definition and Characteristics: Hyperlexia is a term used to describe an intense interest in reading, often demonstrated by young children who can decode words and read at a level well beyond what is considered typical for their age. While hyperlexic children may exhibit advanced word recognition skills, their comprehension […]

Therapy? It looks like they’re just playing games …

Rouzan Dishoian MS, CF-SLP Speech therapy is often perceived as a fun and playful activity for young children, where they engage in games and activities that appear to be pure amusement. While therapy has a play based approach for young kiddos, it is essential to understand that speech therapy is not just play. It is […]

What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech?

Speech Therapy

By Pranali Shah MS, CF SLP Childhood Apraxia of Speech, often abbreviated as CAS, is a motor speech disorder that affects a child’s ability to plan and coordinate the movements required to speak. Unlike other speech disorders, CAS is not caused by muscle weakness or paralysis but rather by difficulties in the brain’s planning and […]

Using Music to Help Children Learn Language

By Madison Gwizdalski MS-CCC, SLP Have you ever noticed that your child’s eyes light up when they hear their favorite song? Or witnessed them jump up and down from excitement when they recognize the beginning beats of “Baby Shark”? What about the calming effects that certain lullabies will have on soothing your fussy baby? We […]

Play and language

By Madison Gwizdalski MS-CCC, SLP “Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” ~ Mr. Rogers Flashcards, quizzing, educational television shows… it might seem like this would be the best way to teach our children new language concepts. But what if I told you that the best way to connect with your […]