Dressing Skills
By Christina Martinez MA, OTR/L Learning how to dress/undress yourself is an important self-care skill that we all can learn. It might be hard to tell if your little one is ready to start learning how to become more independent in dressing because there are so many factors involved in dressing. Here are some tips […]
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Speech Therapy
By: Pranali Shah, MS, CF-SLP Introduction Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that affects communication, behavior, and social interaction. It is called a spectrum disorder because it encompasses a wide range of symptoms, skills, and levels of impairment. People with ASD may experience challenges in social communication, such as difficulty with understanding […]
What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)?
By: Madison Gwizdalski MS, CCC-SLP May is Apraxia Awareness Month and we would like to use it to bring awareness of childhood apraxia of speech to families, including what resources there are if your child gets this diagnosis! Here are some common questions and misconceptions that hear regarding Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS): What is […]
Understanding Your Child’s Language Development Journey
By: Rena Mkhitaryan, MS CCC-SLP Language development is an integral and natural aspect of your child’s growth. Just as each child has a unique personality, their path to language mastery may also vary. Some children adopt a Gestalt Language Processing (GLP) approach, where they absorb and use language in large, meaningful chunks. Others may demonstrate […]
By: Nicole Crisan, PT, DPT Floor play time is an integral part of development and is one of the first ways a baby learns to explore their environment. Rolling is one of the first independent movements a baby can make. Typically, babies start to roll from their tummy to their back and vice versa between […]
Sensory Activities for Infants and Young Children
By: Christine Hemelians, MS OTR/L Below listed are the various activities for infants and toddlers broken down into the different sensory systems. Proprioceptive system: (the body’s ability to sense movement, action, and location in space) Infants: Toddlers: Graded tummy time on caregiver’s chest (airplane rides) Running, jumping, hopping, skipping, climbing Lotion massage and joint […]
Springtime Mindfulness
By Erica Gliga, MOT, OTR/L Springtime is just around the corner and this blog post is all about getting outside, enjoying mindful moments with your littles in nature, and engaging different sensory systems. Nature is filled with so many wonderful sensory experiences and time spent outside can support emotional regulation, for both adults and children. […]
Growing Language through Gardening
By Madison Gwizdalski MS, CCC-SLP With Spring around the corner, we are looking for ways to get outside and help our children learn! One of our favorite ways to help our kiddos learn and practice new skills is through gardening – here’s why: The world of gardening exposes children to a whole new world of […]
What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)?
By Rouzan Dishoian, MS, CCC-SLP Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction. For some individuals, articulating their thoughts verbally may pose a challenge. This is where Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) comes into play, offering a lifeline to those facing communication challenges. What does AAC stand for? Augmentative and Alternative Communication AAC encompasses all […]
When to seek PT services
By Francesca Resurreccion PT, DPT Parenthood is a journey filled with joy, wonder, and sometimes, unexpected challenges. For some parents, the realization that their child may need additional support in the form of pediatric physical therapy services can be both daunting and confusing. However, seeking early intervention is crucial in addressing developmental concerns and ensuring […]