10 Fun Sensory Play Activities

Children at a table engaging in sensory play with bins as part of the therapy process.

10 Fun Sensory Play Activities to Support Your Child’s Therapy Progress Sensory play can be easily incorporated at home with simple activities like finger painting or playdough. These hands-on exercises make therapy more approachable, allowing your child to practice important skills outside of formal sessions. What is sensory play, and why is it important for […]

Spotting and Preventing Torticollis: Tips for Parents

Illustration of a baby with torticollis

By Francesca Resurreccion PT, DPT What is Torticollis? Torticollis is a condition in which an infant’s head is tilted to one side while the chin is turned toward the opposite shoulder. Oftentimes, the main culprit for Torticollis is the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM)—this muscle’s function is to bring your ear towards your shoulder to the same […]

We Love Social Games!

a baby covering his eyes

By: Madison Gwizdalski MS, CCC-SLP Social games are songs, rhymes, finger plays, and early social routines that adults sing and play with toddlers and young children with the primarily purpose of interacting and having fun together. You may already be familiar with many of these games, including Peek-a-boo, Patty-Cake, and the “Itsy Bitsy Spider”. We […]

Preparing for Independent Steps

By: Nicole Crisan, PT, DPT Independent mobility allows children to explore and interact with their environment. One way that a child gains this independence is by walking. Independent steps emerge between the ages of 10-15 months, but before those first steps comes a series of developmental milestones that prepare a child for independent walking. These […]

Bilingualism and Speech Delay: Understanding the Correlation

By: Pranali Shah, MS, CF-SLP In our increasingly globalized world, bilingualism has become more common and beneficial than ever. However, there is a common concern among parents and educators: does being bilingual cause speech delays in children? Let’s delve into the research and myths surrounding this topic to provide a clearer understanding. The Benefits of […]

How to Teach Your Baby to Say Mama

By: Madison Gwizdalski MS, CCC-SLP Has your baby started talking but is not yet saying your name? “Mama” or “Mommy” is often one of the first words that babies say, so it can be confusing (and even frustrating!) when they are not. Here are some tips to facilitate this skill in your child” Create a […]

Music and Speech Therapy

By Pranali Shah MS, CF-SLP Music can be an extremely beneficial treatment for speech therapy. Music activates all areas of the brain simultaneously. For children, music can promote language development, improve speech production, improve memory and spatial-temporal learning. According to the American Music Therapy Association: “Music therapy is an evidence-based, allied health profession that uses […]


By Francesca Resurreccion PT, DPT Are you curious about when to expect your baby to sit and how to help them sit independently? Let’s talk about it! Let’s start with the different types of sitting positions. Supported sitting—this can be done as early as three months old for short bouts to improve head control. This […]

Understanding Cochlear Implants: A Guide for Parents

By Rouzan Dishoian, MS, CCC-SLP Navigating the world of hearing loss in children can be overwhelming for parents. One solution that has revolutionized hearing restoration is the cochlear implant. This advanced technology can significantly improve the quality of life for children with severe to profound hearing loss. Here’s what you need to know. What is […]

Toe Walking in Children: Insights from a Pediatric Physical Therapist

By Francesca Resurreccion PT, DPT What is Toe Walking? Toe walking is exactly what it sounds like: walking on the toes with minimal or no contact with the ground by the heel. While it’s common for infants and toddlers to toe walk occasionally during early exploration of movement patterns, most children transition to a heel-to-toe […]