3 Tips for Incorporating AAC Into Your Daily Routines

3 Tips for Incorporating AAC Into Your Daily Routines

By Cheyenne Yiu MS, CF-SLP October is AAC Awareness Month! AAC stands for Alternative and Augmentative Communication. It includes any form of communication other than spoken language, including writing, sign language, pictures, gestures, facial expressions, communication boards (also called core boards), and speech-generating devices such as an iPad. We all use AAC on a daily […]

The Importance of Crawling

The Importance of Crawling

By Nicole Crisan, PT, DPT Does your child need to crawl? Crawling serves as an important step for independent mobility. This skill typically emerges between 7-10 months of age. Crawling works on various aspects of development such as strengthening, bilateral coordination, motor planning, sensory integration, spatial awareness, and cognitive development. The skills learned by crawling […]

A Parent’s Comprehensive Guide To Optimizing Your Child’s Diet

MyPlate nutrition diagram showing balanced portions for healthy child development.

ContentsUsing MyPlate to Give Your Child The Best Diet for Growth and DevelopmentMyPlate: A Nutrition Guide for Every Stage of LifeFruits and Vegetables: Eating the Rainbow for HealthParenting tip for Picky Eaters: Grains: Prioritizing Whole Grains for Lasting EnergyPractical tip for Introducing Whole Grains: Protein: Essential for Growth and DevelopmentTips for Increasing Protein:Dairy: Building Strong Bones with […]

Understanding the 8 Senses: A Comprehensive Guide to Sensory Processing in Children

Child exploring sensory textures by playing with spaghetti, highlighting tactile sensory processing in early development

(Including: understanding sensory processing in children and, offering a comprehensive sensory guide for parents) Have you ever wondered how your child experiences the world around them? It might surprise you to learn that children do this through more than just the commonly known five senses—sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. There are also three additional […]

Funding Options for Assistive Devices for Children with Communication Difficulties

unding Options for Assistive Devices for Children with Communication Difficulties

By Rouzan Dishoian, MS, CCC-SLP   Finding funding for assistive devices for your child can be a challenging process. Here are four key ways to seek financial support: Funding Through the Regional Center The Regional Center offers valuable support, especially for children under three years of age who receive services through them: Begin by consulting […]

Pediatric Dysphagia and the Role of Feeding Therapy

By Melissa Perlee, MS, OTR/L Pediatric dysphagia is a condition where children have trouble swallowing. This disorder can manifest in various ways, from mild discomfort to severe inability to swallow, and lead to nutritional deficiencies, growth delays, and respiratory issues. The complexities surrounding pediatric dysphagia necessitate a multifaceted approach to diagnosis and treatment, with feeding […]

Fostering Self-Regulation Skills in Toddlers: The Role of Occupational Therapy

By Christina Pasinato, OTR/L As toddlers grow and develop, learning to manage their emotions and behaviors is crucial. It is normal for toddlers to have difficulty with managing their emotions and behaviors which is why it is so common to see more tantrum behaviors occur. Self-regulation—the ability to control one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors—plays a […]

10 Fun Sensory Play Activities

Children at a table engaging in sensory play with bins as part of the therapy process.

10 Fun Sensory Play Activities to Support Your Child’s Therapy Progress Sensory play can be easily incorporated at home with simple activities like finger painting or playdough. These hands-on exercises make therapy more approachable, allowing your child to practice important skills outside of formal sessions. What is sensory play, and why is it important for […]

Spotting and Preventing Torticollis: Tips for Parents

Illustration of a baby with torticollis

By Francesca Resurreccion PT, DPT What is Torticollis? Torticollis is a condition in which an infant’s head is tilted to one side while the chin is turned toward the opposite shoulder. Oftentimes, the main culprit for Torticollis is the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM)—this muscle’s function is to bring your ear towards your shoulder to the same […]

We Love Social Games!

a baby covering his eyes

By: Madison Gwizdalski MS, CCC-SLP Social games are songs, rhymes, finger plays, and early social routines that adults sing and play with toddlers and young children with the primarily purpose of interacting and having fun together. You may already be familiar with many of these games, including Peek-a-boo, Patty-Cake, and the “Itsy Bitsy Spider”. We […]