Picky Eating – When should I be concerned?

By Madison Gwizdalski MS-CCC, SLP Picky eaters…. It seems like all of us know someone who can fit inside this category. Even as adults we can think of others who are very selective in their food choices. For children, it may seem as if your kiddos food preferences change weekly, even daily! But how do […]

Preparing for a Haircut 

By: Christine Hemelians, MSOT, OTR/L Sensory processing disorder affects participation in everyday self-care tasks such as grooming, feeding, and getting dressed. Children who have difficulty with sensory processing may have difficulty getting a haircut. This post will help shed some light as to why children with sensory processing issues struggle with haircuts and offer some […]

Is my child ready to transition from a crib to a toddler bed?

By Angela Kurdzhukyan MS, OTR/L A common question parents ask is whether or not their child is ready to switch to a toddler bed. Although toddlers around 3 years old should already be transitioned, it is important to note that age is not a tell-all factor when deciding if a child is ready. The various […]

What to expect during parent and me classes?

Participate in a group of parents and babies to play, learn, and connect with each other. Parents and babies can expect a 60-minute-long session one time a week for 8 consecutive weeks.  Classes will be separated by baby’s age to align with developmental activities. This is a safe and nurturing space to share your feelings […]

Picking Out Toys for Toddlers and Preschoolers

By Christine Hemelians, MSOT, OTR/L It is crucial to pick out toys that are multi-purpose for children to develop and grow. This is especially important in the digital age. From a developmental standpoint, there is a large body of research indicating the importance of toys fostering and enhancing development across all domains (cognitive, language, social-emotional, […]

Importance of Parent and Me Classes

As a parent, you know that few things are more rewarding than seeing your child happy. But….parenting is a lot of work! It can be stressful, confusing, and even isolating. It is very important to find a community of others who are going through the same things as you! Parent & me classes can be […]

What is the interoceptive system? 

By Ani Oganesyan OTR/L Have you heard about the interoceptive sensory system? It’s the 8th sensory system that is most often overlooked and is considered the “hidden sense”. Just like taste, touch, smell, seeing, hearing, vestibular, and proprioceptive senses, we use interoception to understand and make sense of our world.  What is interoception?  It is […]

Benefits of Social Interaction

As children develop, they start using both verbal and nonverbal communication for a variety of purposes like requesting, commenting, and sharing. By observing and participating in social situations, children start to learn how social interactions work. Social interaction between children is important when it comes to establishing language, social skills, and learning new information. Studies […]

What’s heavy work and why does your therapist keep recommending it?

By Christine Hemelians, MSOT. OTR/L Heavy work is a commonly recommended sensory activity that occupational therapists oftentimes suggest to the families that they work with. Occupational therapists use heavy work activities for children that struggle with sensory processing issues. Heavy work refers to any activity that activates our proprioceptors. So what does this mean? Proprioceptors […]

Feeding Difficulties

By Angela Kurdzhukyan MS, OTR/L Have you ever wondered why your toddler refuses to eat certain foods? Or why they have a limited repertoire of food? Feeding difficulties can arise due to many different reasons. Below are few of the reasons a child may have problems with feeding or be seen as a “picky eater”.  […]