Uplift Programming: Tummy Time Adventures Class

By Nicole Crisan, PT, DPT

The first year of life is an amazing and fun time in life. It is filled with many smiles, new experiences, and seeing your child learn and achieve various developmental milestones. But do you ever have any questions regarding when your child should reach a specific gross motor milestone? Or what activities can you do with your child to stimulate and promote their developmental milestones? Our weekly Tummy Time Adventures Class led by Uplift Physical Therapists is for all children ages 0-12 months. It offers a place for parents/caregivers to ask questions, gain an understanding, learn the importance of each gross motor milestone, and learn hands on handling techniques and activities they can incorporate into their daily routines and playtime!

Why Are Gross Motor Milestones Important? 

  • Create an environment that provides a multitude of opportunities to promote learning a new skill and/or providing opportunities to practice the skill
  • When milestones are on track, they can build a strong foundation for future development and skills
  • Help encourage your child to gain independence so they can play and explore their environment in different ways and positions
  • Be able to identify areas of potential delays and addressing these delays early by seeking consultation from a physical therapist


Gross motor Milestones seen between 0-12 months: 

  • 0-3 Months
    • Visually tracking
    • Moving arms and kicking legs when excited
    • Working towards 60 min of tummy time a day by 3 months
    • By 3 months, start propping themselves up on their forearms while lifting their head up
  • 4-6 Months
    • In tummy time: prop up on hands and reach for toys
    • While lying on their back, bring feet to hands
    • Rolling back to tummy and tummy to back
    • Starting to prop sit (supporting self with hands while sitting)
  • 7-9 Months
    • Sitting independently
    • Starting to army crawl
    • Starting to get on their hands and knees
    • Attempting to pull to stand on low furniture
  • 10-12+ Months
    • Pulling to stand on vertical surfaces/furniture
    • Cruising along vertical surfaces/furniture
    • Transitions into and out of sitting
    • Stands independently
    • Attempting to take independent steps


What happens during Tummy Time Adventures?

  • Learn about each gross motor milestone and what age they should achieve them. (We can provide a gross motor checklist!)
  • Monitor milestones so that you can identify when to seek out need for services or consult with a physical therapist
  • Learn hands-on activities and handling techniques to work on each milestone
  • Learn different activities and/or positions that you can integrate in your child’s daily routine to support and progress their development
  • Have guidance and discussions with experienced pediatric physical therapists
  • Build a supportive community with other parents/caregivers
  • Provides a space for your child to interact and play with other peers  


When and where?

Our Tummy Time Adventures Class is every Tuesday at 10 am at our clinic located in La Cañada, CA! Reservations are required. If you are interested, please call (818-864-6602) or email (contact@uplifttherapycenter.com) us for more information and to reserve your spot for the next class.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Is Tummy Time Adventures only for Uplift clients?

No, the class is open to all children ages 0-12 months. Your child does not need to show any developmental delays to participate. However, if they do, this is a wonderful opportunity to receive extra practice and support from our physical therapists.


Do parents need to attend?

Yes, a parent must attend and actively participate with their child. Each child should be accompanied by one parent.


What do I wear?

Please wear comfortable clothing for both you and your child, as most of the class will take place on the floor. Grip socks are required for both adults and children while in the sensory gym area. If needed, grip socks are available for purchase.


What do I need to bring?

We provide everything you need! Just come in comfortable clothing, and don’t forget that grip socks are required for both adults and children in the sensory gym area.


How long is the class?

Each class lasts one hour. Please arrive on time so your child has a chance to get comfortable in the space and ease into the routine.



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