Gross motor skills: Jumping!
By Deborah Lee MS, OTR/L “When should my child start jumping?” is one of the common questions asked by parents. All the more, when parents see their child’s peers jumping up and down, they cannot help but to compare and become concerned. According the research, children should be able to learn how to jump between […]
Explaining Meltdowns After School
By: Christine Hemelians, MSOT, OTR/L Does your child have difficulty transitioning during school pick-up? Are pick-ups met with crying, screaming, yelling, pushing, hitting, and so on? Is it hard for your child to communicate why they’re upset and find it hard to calm themselves down? Well, the information provided in this post can help explain […]
What are fidget tools and why are they important for kids?
By Christine Hemelians, MSOT, OTR/L We all fidget in some way shape or form. For example, shaking our legs, twirling our hair, biting our nails, chewing on pen caps, or tapping fingers on the table. While this may be thought of as distracting, these actions are used as a form of self-regulation, and if directed […]
The Power of Playdough
By Madison Gwizdalski MS-CCC, SLP Play-dough is an all-time favorite toy at Uplift Therapy Center. Curious about why this toy is a staple for our therapists? There are countless benefits to using playdough with your child! It helps to develop fine motor skills: using playdough targets hand strength, dexterity and control, which is necessary for […]
Sensory Strategies to Make Bath Time a Breeze
By Nicole Tutaj OTR/L Do you dread bath time because your kid rules the place or doesn’t like their hair washed? Maybe they don’t like being tipped backwards, having water poured on their face, or they’re just having too much fun and refuse to get out. Try the following strategies: 1) For the kid who […]
Sensory “meltdown”, or behavioral “tantrum”?
By Isabella Hakobian OTD, OTR/L It can often be difficult to determine whether your child’s actions are rooted from a behavioral or sensory issue. Here are some ways you can determine whether it is sensory or behavioral, and how to treat a sensory meltdown. Sensory “meltdowns” are a biological reaction, and they are typically caused […]
ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, or both?
By Deborah Lee MS, OTR/L When children appear to have poor sustained attention to task, they typically attend to an activity for only several seconds before transitioning onto the next activity, and parents often worry that their child may have Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, what most parents do not realize is that some of the […]
Toddlers Biting: Reasons and Recommendations
By: Christine Hemelians, MSOT, OTR/L Toddlers biting can be a daily struggle. Are you constantly stressed out for playdates? Does your toddler bite at daycare or preschool? Are they biting you at home or their toys and furniture? Biting is common for toddlers; however, this sounds to be more excessive, and it’s important to parse […]
What is pediatric occupational therapy?
By Ani Oganesyan OTR/L Many people have never heard of pediatric occupational therapy (OT) or may have heard about it and are still a bit confused. Pediatric OT can be a bit challenging to understand as OTs target various skills and address many different goals. Occupational therapists help individuals to become independent in everyday activities […]
Sensory Strategies for Bedtime
By: Christine Hemelians, MSOT, OTR/L Did you know that difficulties with sensory integration can negatively impact sleep? Close to 30% of children have trouble sleeping; that includes either falling asleep, staying asleep, or being comfortable while trying to sleep (Vasak, Williamson, Garden, & Zwicker, 2015). Stimuli (i.e. sights, sounds, touch) may make it difficult for […]